The Belle Epoque in Europe
Text and all images © Giancarlo Rapetti, Torino
The Exposition of 1902
In Turin which, together with Milan, is considered as the Italian Art Nouveau capital of the past century, the Art Nouveau got its consecration through the Arts-and-Crafts Exhibition of 1902, the Esposizione d'arte decorativa moderna, a fantastic fair organized in the Parco del Valentino which was the triumph of the Belle Epoque in Italy. This cultural event made official the existence of a new architectural style in Italy called Liberty.
Besides the incredible pavilions of the architect d'Aronco, the middle classes, established around the historical town centre, built floral style mansions and palaces in the whole city. The main artist of this fortunate season of Turinese architecture was the engineer Pietro Fenoglio. To him, Italy ows two Liberty masterpieces inspired by the French Art Nouveau, the Casa La Fleur and the Villa Scott. Together with Fenoglio who, between 1889 and 1912, had realized another 150 projects, worked in the new style Benazzo, Gribodo, Gussoni, Premoli, Rigotti and Velati Bellini.
Antonio Vandone (1863-1937):
Casa Maffei (1909), corso Montevecchio, 50
Iron works:
Alessandro Mazzucotelli (1865-1938)

Pietro Betta
Casa Avezzano
via Vico, 2

Michele Frapolli
Villino Kind
via Monti, 48

Giovanni Gribodo
Casa Masino
via Piffetti, 5

Giovanni Gribodo
via Pifetti 10-12

Giovanni Gribodo
via Pifetti 10-12

Via Filangieri

Via Filangieri